Level: Platinum
Zoe Routh is a Magnetic Leadership coach and expert with over 20 years experience in leadership and personal development, maximising the potential of kids and ...
My clients are achieving amazing results and milestones in their personal and business lives. I am perpetually awe-struck by them and consider it a huge privilege to be part of their experience.
"George" (real name changed to protect his privacy - he likes to keep me as his 'secret weapon') - was named as one of Australia's top legal minds, as voted by his peers, in the Australian Financial Review. This is one big gong I can assure you! Out of thousands and thousands of lawyers in Australia, he's at the top.
Barb Grey - her real name! is a finalist in the National Rural Women of the Year Awards (winners announced next week - go Barb!). She has already won the Queensland state award. She is a cotton farmer and industry representative and a passion for developing the potential of rural and regional women.
RoseAnna Shick - also her real name - is a Co-Creators of Awesomeness member and has just won the YM-YWCA Women of Distinction award. Rosey runs her own communications business, event promotions, and is an accomplished writer. She is also an avid rower and looks hot in little gym shorts (had to share Rosey!)
What these amazing folks have in common:
Even if they did not fully believe they could do it at first, they had a go.They each have a fierce desire to grow and learn.They have a commitment to a diverse lifestyle and a dedication to health. George runs many foot and cycle races, Barb rides mountain bikes, and Rosey is a committed rower and ice hockey player.They seek to understand - themselves, others, and their engagement and impact on the world.They have a great sense of humour and the ability to laugh at their own foibles.They recognise their own success and achievements, and acknowledge effort as well as accolades.They invest in themselves - in their physical well-being, and in their personal growth, through reading, membership groups like Co-Creators of Awesomeness, and coaching.
There's more, but those are the key ones.
Success and development does not happen in a vacuum. People like George, Barb, and Rosey know that to grow and evolve is an inside-out process. Introspection and reflection allows expansion. Other view points, from colleagues, family, mentors, coaches, provides a spectrum of truths from which to grow. Others can show you your blind spots, offer new perspectives, and challenge old ways of thinking.
This take courage - courage to hear where you are out of alignment with your values, where you might be letting yourself down, and where you are shying away from your potential. Courage to grow, risk, learn. And yet, in the frank light of honesty and encouragement, all things flourish.
And the prize isn't a trophy; the prize is who you become as you dare to be yourself.
Coach's Challenge: Are you trying to go it alone? Who can you turn to for inspiration? Feedback? Sounding board? Are you investing in yourself? Isn't it time you made YOU a priority?
This article has been viewed 41 time(s).Article Submitted On: May 17, 2011