How do people successfully leave the herd? We cannot help but look up to people who have succeeded like Oprah Winfrey or Donald Trump. We even have people who we know personally like family or friends who have done well.
One thing is for sure they all had a dream, vision, or goal -- call it what you want. They made it work by taking action, yes making a start. Sometimes they had a plan already in great detail from day one but usually it was a picture or vision of the final result. One action you can count on is that as they went forward each day though they took steps or actions to go forward towards their goals.
It is a common thing that as soon as you start to lift yourself up you very quickly can be cut down to size by well-meaning friends, family or colleagues. They become concerned that you are stepping not only outside your comfort zone, by your actions but here is the important bit, outside their comfort zone. This can come as criticism, resentment, even envy. Tall Poppy Syndrome, as it is called in some countries, is a problem. It is essential to just accept that this will happen at some stage.
Many people question themselves decide it is not worth the hassle and give up the challenge at this point. It can be too scary to move forward. Now you have to make the mental shift, toughen up as they say. Remember it is your life, your dream and it is up to you to make it happen. Many successful people have said you have to develop a thick skin.
Once you make this decision to carry on with your quest, life becomes easier; you have mentally risen above the status quo. You are more determined now and find you can apply actions everyday towards your goals. You increase your mental strength to apply focus, persistence, determination and patience. Every day you are getting on, getting the jobs done with increasing passion and inner strength. This is possible because you focus on your dream with a detailed step by step plan on how to get there.
People often think you need to have special talents but usually it is not raw talent but drive that makes people successful. What is called good old-fashioned dogged determination.
"The world stands aside," said David Jordan, "to let anyone pass who knows where he is going."