7 Ways To A Dynamic You

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Are you feeling unfulfilled and unhappy? Here are 7 techniques that will help you become more dynamic and fulfilled.

1. Have great passion for what you do and take ownership of your actions. There are three things we control; we control the thoughts we think, we control the actions or reactions we take in a given situation, and we control the images that cross our minds. Individually, we control these 3 things, so your focus should be of self in service to others. How can I get the most out of me and be of service to others? How can I help them get what they want, and still get what I love?

When you decide what you want, you take ownership of the manifestation of your desires because it's what you wanted. If you desire to be a best-selling author, your efforts towards becoming a best-selling author are you deciding to take ownership of your actions. If you decide to do nothing, you've decided to take ownership of your actions.

2. Get adopted by someone on your new team and in your division. Having a mentor is crucial and they will help you to succeed. Be a sponge. This advice is invaluable. Having a mentor is like having someone take you by the hand and walk you through the steps from A to Z. A mentor is like having a guiding light, direction or focus until you are capable of doing it yourself. Attract someone who likes you and wants to help you. Be attentive, coordinate your actions to learn as much as you can from this individual and apply what you learn. You want it to be a fair and even exchange. As they give to you, provide them with a fair and even exchange of some sort, for their time, experience and knowledge. You want them to feel appreciated!

3. Put in the time it takes to do well - it pays dividends in the end. Learn your craft or skill. Put the time in to becoming very proficient at what you do. Work to get a little better each day. An exercise you can do to gain insight on improving is each night, think back over the day. Remembering the situations of the day and how things turned out. If something happened and it did not turn out the way you wanted it to, envision the event happening as you would like. Put out a new thought into the universe. Do that with each event of the day that you want to change and think of how to make it better. Take it one step further and imagine how you would like tomorrow to turn out for you. Play out the events of tomorrow exactly as you would want them to and expect it to happen. Practice making this a habitual way of thinking and your life will begin to unfold like magic.

4. Be self motivated! You have to drive yourself to be successful. You will get the guidance and leadership you need, but it is up to you to keep driving to be the best. You have to have goals for yourself. Personal goals of personal gain, financial gain or what have you, but set goals or things will become cumbersome or complacent and you can lose interest. Write down your goals and read them 3 times a day, morning mid day and before you go to sleep. If you come up with a new idea, add it to your goals. Goals keep you motivated and provide you with a daily reminder as to your progress. You can keep a journal of your progress. Create a daily top 5 things that must get done list. And check them off as you complete them. In the event you do not complete your list of things that must get done, give yourself a consequence like giving money to an organization you would probably never give to like. Like an Afro-American giving money to the KKK.

5. Work hard! Trust your instincts! If you need help, ASK. Remember, you are not in this alone. There are people in your life, at work, maybe even a complete stranger, that want to help you and not hurt you. If you need help, ask for it. Come in earlier and stay later. No one is perfect and we can not do everything by ourselves. Having someone to ask when you need a second opinion can be of great assistance. Knowing that someone is there to answer a question can be priceless.

6. Volunteer for projects that will help you get noticed. Take the initiative to volunteer for different projects. This challenges you as a person to learn more and makes you more of an asset to the company, which will be rewarded with financial compensation and upward mobility.

7. Keep a positive attitude and an open mind. Having a positive attitude is always a good idea in any situation. Expecting good things to happen is a good intention to hold. Life is constantly changing and it helps to have an open mind to practice allowing the goodness to flow in.