God's Plan and Your Wholeness

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God has a wonderful plan for your life. Unfortunately you may not have known that before you made a decision that altered your life negatively. I've been where you are. I knew God's plan for my life from the age of seventeen but there was a person in my life in whose advice I trusted. She told me to I needed to do something else with my life. I listened but I didn't know what else to do and so I entered into a season of confusion for the next four years. I drifted from one thing to another. When I hit bottom I asked God to help me and He did. He renewed His plan for my life and I started following His plan. But those days that I lived without following His plans made me a broken man. I was drifter without purpose and I wasn't sure what the future would be for me.

No matter where you are right now God still has a plan for your life and in His plan you can be made whole. I am 100 % sure that no matter what you went through in your past God's plan can erase all of your pain of yesterday. His plan can correct all of your mistakes. How do I know because this is what His plans did for me:

1. His plans made me prosper: When I started to live the way that God intended me to live I started to succeed. God's plans made me a winner and it produced a winning atmosphere in my life .

2. His plans kept me from harm: When I was meandering through life I made some bad decisions that hurt me. I made relational decisions that hurt me. I made poor financial decisions that hurt me. But when I turned around and said yes to God's plan for me I knew that I could trust God. His plans would never hurt me in the manner that I had hurt myself.

3. His plans gave me a future and a hope: When I started following God's plan God brought me into my future. He gave me many opportunities to do what I was born to do. Every day became exciting because the journey I was on was exciting. It was me following God doing what He had planned for me to do even before I was born. And by following His plan I was made whole.

Bernard Boulton is a pastor and author. He has a pasion for seeing men become men of purpose fulfilling their God given destiny. In his first novel, Do You Wanna Be Made Whole? Bernard Boulton showed the depth of a man's emotion and the incredible possibilities that exist for every man who recognizes his mistakes and starts over again. Bernard has mentored many men and women in how to discover and live in purpose in spite of their past mistakes. Bernard considers it his life calling to use his gifts to help others find their gifts and destiny in life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bernard_Boulton