There is this popular saying, "Two heads are better than one." Whoever coined the saying must have had experience on the power available to tap from talents of more than one individual in trying to solve problems.
This apt saying equally applies in the pursuit of wealth, fame or recognition in life. It is simply not possible for one man to have the solution to all problems. He needs the co-operative effort of others, whether their time, talent or other resources.
For the purpose of this piece, we limit it to talents. In a study conducted in a University on students of a particular class, five of the most academically intelligent students of the class were separated to form study groups.
Three of the students were to study together throughout that semester while the other two students were to read individually on their own. At the end of that semester, the three students who studied as a group had better grades than the other two who studied individually.
The study showed that if two or more persons are united together with a definite purpose or mission, they are able to come up with solutions and achieve results faster than if they tried it individually on their own.
In your pursuit of genuine wealth or achievement in any field, you need the co-operative effort of others, particularly their mind power.
Note that the people with whom a group is formed MUST be united in vision and purpose; otherwise confusion would result when they are at cross purposes and this would defeat the aim of the group.
This is one reason why musical groups usually break up with their members pursuing solo careers. They were never united with a vision and purpose. Some members had their plans in their minds and were able to leave easily to carry on on their own.
Some may want to argue that at times those who pursue solo careers from such musical groups also do well. But let us not forget that the work is not done by such a person alone.
He or she still needs the co-operative efforts of others in his or her vision before the world notices that such individual has become a success.
Great achievers and exceptional leaders are able to produce better results in their fields because they surround themselves with people who are united and whose vision aligns with theirs.
The value of surrounding oneself with people who are united in purpose and vision cannot be over-emphasized. Even sacred scripture attests to this fact in the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 verses 1-6.
In verse 6 it is written (Good News Bible), "And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs."
Even if you have to start on your own with your vision in life, at a time you would surely need the co-operative effort of others if you have a very large vision. The bigger the vision the more one needs others to be able to achieve it.
Again, remember, such group must be united in vision and purpose. I really need to emphasise this particular point. If you doubt what I've just said, please take a study of the reasons behind all successful organisations.
One thing you would SURELY find common to all of them is unity of purpose and vision of staff. Very important!
? copyright Gabriel Ama