Cosmic Ordering Success: Train Your Conscious Mind

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To achieve consistent success in cosmic ordering, thinking is important and also not important. It depends on what you think and how you think. The most important thing about thinking and the conscious mind for successful cosmic ordering is to train and manage your conscious mind. And on the other hand, embrace and build rapport with your subconscious mind.

Is thinking a good thing? While I told my friend recently that I'm healing my past from the conditioning of my childhood, those that were related particularly to my father, the response I got back from her is 'You think too much...The past is the past, just let it go..." She is partly right...on the letting go part...

Can thinking and the conscious mind ruin cosmic ordering? Thinking is the job of the conscious mind. It's task is to think, analyze, in logical and rational ways, to protect you and help you survive. Depending on how you're being conditioned when you're young, the conscious mind can support you or ruin you in your cosmic ordering. Why?

Because over-protection creates fearful energy that is bad for cosmic ordering. In the attempt of protecting you, the conscious mind is always thinking of what's not safe for you, which means inducing fear. And if the adults around you when you're young tend to 'input' safety precautions or rules to you to protect you from being harmed, then your conscious mind would most probably be trained in that way since young ~ fearful, in unconscious ways to you.

Over-protection by the adults when young, and then growing up feeding too much fear constantly throughout your life, unconsciously by the television, newspapers, radio, society, teachers, neighbours, friends, relatives, governments, culture and so on, can really, really, really be detrimental to your cosmic ordering now, in your adult life, unless you consciously work on removing them.

Cosmic ordering success means that you train your conscious mind to support you and empower you. Of course for daily life to function properly, you still need to think, but you think in a trained and programmed way.

You use positive words in your thoughts, conversations with yourself and with others. You use affirmations formed with positive words, expressed in positive ways. And you use visualizations about positive results you want in your life. For example, if your sister is traveling for vacation, visualize her as having a happy, joyful time playing at the different tourist attractions instead of fearfully thinking that her plane might crash, or she might be caught in an earthquake...

So, are you thinking too much in a good way or thinking too much just because of habit? For me, if I don't think, to ponder and contemplate about my current behavior, attitudes and results in life, and find a way to release the unhealthy links that created them in my past, I would not be able to become aware, raise my consciousness, and stop the repeating patterns of events and results that happened to me, and this is what is meant by letting life happen to me, which is unfortunately what happens to most people in the world. And this is definitely not what cosmic ordering success is about...

When thinking is just for the sake of thinking, it's not great. When thinking is a contemplation of your life, stopping that which doesn't bring freedom of soul, and then moving on to creating your life that frees your body, mind, spirit, then thinking is most essential, crucial and fundamental, for cosmic ordering success to occur in your life.

It is precisely that each one of us came to Mother Earth to walk our own unique path that we've to start contemplating from the soul level with the help of the subconscious mind that's doing such remarkable memory job that allows us to find solutions in the present to heal our past for our magnificent future.

Instead of thinking on the physical level of how you could make more money in these forms: which job can bring me more money, which career lets me retire early, or which business venture enables me to become a millionaire in 1 year? None of these thinking help in any way, shape or form in your life to fulfil what you want because basically, your subconscious mind is still running the underlying conditioning program that was created during your childhood, automatically.

Nothing you do now will bring you the highest level of success that you always wanted in your soul level if work is not done to release the past and reprogram for the future.

And to reprogram for the future is to use cosmic ordering. To start training your conscious mind is the preliminary of cosmic ordering success.

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Hui Y - EzineArticles Expert Author