How Do I Develop More Success? Part 3 Have A Vision

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When I was young and I tried to visualise or dream about my future, like where I might be in 10 years time, not too much happened. It was like scrambled eggs. I was all over the place. I often wished someone would just jump in and do it all for me. Yeah right, and that's going to happen. Actually each time I met someone, I thought that maybe this new person in my life could help, but it was not to be the type of help that I was looking for.

What type of help was I looking for? I did not know the answer to that either. Was I lost? No, not really. Was I interested in finding something meaningful? Definitely yes, to that question. So, what did I do about this on going saga, my life. I read. I haven't stopped either. I read everything that I could possibly get my hands on that moved me towards a clear vision of what I wanted (which I still didn't know).

Let's define a vision. For me, a vision is like painting a picture. You draw it step by step only adding things to your picture, your future vision of your life, as you desire. As I am not a great artist, I will use anything including "cut-outs" from a magazine and even stick those cut out pictures onto my visionary canvass of my life. It is similar to making a picture book for yourself.

Here is three tips to get started..

Tip 1- Choose to start. Decide to just go and get yourself a big piece of paper. Maybe one of those large art pages you can buy from a paper shop.I think the bigger the page the better.

Tip 2- Get a pen and write three things at the top of the page that are important to you. At the bottom, write three things that are holding you back from having them right now.

Tip 3- Find a quiet and still place and take 15 minutes to quiet your mind. In this time, allow yourself the opportunity to let your mind wonder, stopping to jot down any thoughts that "pop into your mind".

Bonus Tip- Just do the first thing that you can do right now. This is how you can start to create your master piece.

After you have completed these preliminary steps, you can begin to dream about what your life will look like. How do you do that? Ask yourself questions. Maybe questions like, "What do I enjoy doing?" Where do you prefer to live? What are the top three most important things that I value in my life? Do I want to be close to those things each day, or just each month?

Asking questions is a great start to trigger the direction of your thoughts because it is your thinking that will help create your vision. If you want some guidance, I can help you.

By the way, do you want to learn more about achieving the things you want?

If so, download my new ebook summary Rich Life Poor Life You Choose here:

Anthony is the estrategist. He uses the world's best success strategies to help clients solve their problems. He has been doing it off-line for many years, including many years as a Lawyer, and has just launched on-line coaching programs to help clients get better skilled learning in their own time. The foundation of his coaching programs is teaching the world's best success principles, and how anyone can use them to achieve better solutions.

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