smile keep smiling

Posted by admin On 0 comments
smile keep smiling, get rid of depressed and anxious hearts
all that has happened and is happening let me go. keep looking at your day, with hope, love, and your ambition. let all be beautiful, in due course.

Remember God has said, I like that you expect. then rest assured definitely hope to come.

rain will subside, drought will come, attend the rainbow coloring of the earth, hope, love and ideals will adorn your days later. Insha Allah

when it is blank

Posted by admin On 0 comments
sometimes, there is one time where someone feels blank. He did not know what to do, arise in his heart "why the situation is like this", what should I do, are in real confusion.

under such conditions, one of my tips that can be tried. take holy water to purify themselves, pray intent and pleaded to God, to ponder and reflect. Ask God to guide for the state that is happening. Hopefully the instructions will come. bismillah.