Thinking into Results
If I asked you to imagine your mind, you would probably picture your brain. We do this because we do not have a picture of the mind. In psychology we know the mind is more a function than a location. In 1934, Dr. Thurman Fleet created a picture of our mind to help us be able to work with our mind and move ahead in our life.
The mind's role is much larger than the body but until now in our lives we've given all our awareness and attention to our physical body and our physical results. Everything in our life is an expression of our mind and it is our body that merely carries out the action.
Our mind is made up of two parts. Our conscious mind and our subconscious mind.
Our conscious mind is our thinking mind or rational mind. It receives information and analyzes it. We can choose our thoughts here because our conscious mind can accept or reject ideas.
Do you know you actually have 100% control over your thinking? I know that might be a new concept to you, so let me explain.
Our subconscious mind is our feeling and emotional mind. This is the part of our mind where we store our memories, habits, conditioned beliefs, and self-image.
Understanding this allows us to know that we can choose to focus on what we do want instead of what we don't want or what doesn't work. Remember, we are able to control 100% of our thinking.
We are truly thinking into results all the time.
Thoughts that are held in our conscious mind and have an emotional charge are delivered to our subconscious mind. Whether they are positive or negative when they are emotionalized, these thoughts will impress themselves upon the subconscious mind, which then dictates the feelings we feel.
So thoughts create feelings, feelings control our actions and actions produce results.
If you want to know what types of thoughts you are thinking about, take a look at your results. Results don't lie. Those who are fearful, worrisome and doubtful are not your top performers.
I am so grateful to help people learn how to achieve great results that they want in their lives in the Thinking into Results programs that I facilitate.
You might be wondering - what influences your mind? How do we choose a positive thought and a negative thought?
We have five physical senses: See, hear, smell, taste and touch. We have been conditioned to learn from these senses from a very young age. These senses are hard wired like a little antenna into our subconscious mind.
Our five senses are how we have been taught to gather the majority of information from our environment. These senses are always on. We don't have to tell them to notice because they are always being bombarded by our environment; TV, radio, news papers and conversations around us.
We have been so conditioned to respond to our environment through these senses, that when someone gives us a compliment, we feel good and yet in the next moment if we are criticized or put down, we can instantly feel bad.
So, when we are talking about changing our results we must be careful of who and what we are listening to. So if you want to become the best selling sales person, seek out direction from someone who is selling highest from your group.
That is also the reason why it is not recommended to listen to or seek out advice from family, friends, co-workers who are not achieving, living or breathing the results in their life that you are seeking.
There is a better way to influence our thoughts independent of our environment and that is through the higher side of our mind-our intellect.
We have never been conditioned or taught to work with our intellect until now.
Yet it is the proper use of these faculties that will allow us to control the way we think. They are like mental muscles and when you learn to use these intellectual faculties, you will create the results and live the life you desire.
One of my favourite Intellectual Faculties is Perception. This is how we see our world... Perception is our point of view. One of the natural laws of the universe is the Law of Polarity and it states that everything has a polar opposite. Up has a down, in has an out, good has a bad, but we must choose to see one or the other. That choice is always ours.
Do you know why everyone see's differently? We know that it isn't our eyes that see, it is our beliefs. We can see the limitation or we can see the invitation.
Dr. Wayne Dyer say's, "When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change."
So instead of gathering information from the lower side of our nature our senses, we must develop and use the higher side of our personality, our intellect.
You were designed to create and live a life you love and that is why I am so grateful to work with groups and companies everyday teaching them how to use these same resources and intellectual faculties to achieve and live the results they desire. Because we are Thinking into Results all the time. Visit
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