Turn left or turn right - which is the right path ahead? The one that seems filled with opportunity, success, happiness and peace or the one that may be riddled with failure, disappointment, frustration and challenges that you feel you may not be equal to?
Every life sooner or later is faced with a crossroads - which way to turn, which path to follow and how will either turn out?
OK, so we make plans, set goals, develop skills and refine our strategies and approaches and we follow the path that seems to lead to success and happiness given our limited knowledge and ability to predict the future.
We decide, we move forward, we act on our dreams, or what we want our dreams to be or look like as they unfold as the years pass. But suddenly we face a fork in the road - turn left or right? Which is the best path? Should I take a chance and follow the road less travelled or should I take the road that is safe, secure and where I can control my destiny?
I'll guarantee that on numerous occasions in your life you have had to face a fork in the road with many of the same questions. A simple question - did you follow the road less travelled or take the safe route? And why, whichever your choice?
I have been known by friends, clients and people I have known well, and yes a couple of spouses to always take the road less travelled. I was even criticized, berated and made to feel I was wrong with this life approach and yes in the end this road led to failure, disappointment and frustration. So why continue down this unknown path into tomorrow?
This is your life; not your spouse's, your parent's, your children's or your boss's. These are your years to live the way you choose to live them. Yes, living the life you want to live may lead to failure and relentless disappointment but would you rather end your life looking back saying "I did it my way" or I did it the way everyone else thought I should?
For me, I would rather look back and say to the world, I may have made a lot of mistakes along the way but the life I lived was mine and no one else's. I would rather look back with a smile on y face knowing I created my destiny and life outcomes rather than turning them over to people who believed they knew what was better for me.
How about you? Are you living your life or the life that someone else feels or believes you should be living? If so,
We have very little time here to leave our mark on the world whether it is as a parent or a CEO, an athlete or a minister or a teacher or a volunteer but in the end the legacy you leave how ever it is defined or described by others will soon fade after you are gone. So what's left? Live your life, your life as you choose to define it and not as others believe you should live it. And why? Simple - It's your life to do what you will with it while you are here.
Tim Connor, CSP is an internationally renowned sales, management and leadership speaker, trainer and best selling author. Since 1981 he has given over 4000 presentations in 21 countries on a variety of sales, management, leadership and relationship topics. He is the best selling author of over 70 books including; Soft Sell, That?s Life, SOLD, 81 Challenges Managers Face and Your First Year In Sales. He can be reached at tim@timconnor.com, 704-895-1230 or visit his websites at http://www.timconnor.com/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Connor