Countering Procrastination, the Biggest Enemy of Success

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Everybody on this planet wants to be successful, because the desire to succeed and be one of the best is keyed into human beings. Even in prehistoric times, men would try to outdo each other because the best man would lead the tribes or clans. In the modern world, success is usually measured on the basis of money, and a great man is evaluated in terms of how much money he has. If you have a desire to be rich, then you should not feel guilty about it because you just desire to be the best. People who want to be rich but are unable to achieve their dreams often wonder why lady luck passed them by and made their friends or their neighbors rich. There is no answer to this question, because the question is flawed in itself. The reason why people end up achieving their dreams and desires is not that lady luck thinks they deserve it. Instead, it is the fact that these people feel the desire so strongly that they take hard decisions in their lives with respect to their growth while others choose to procrastinate or dither.

In simpler words, the true secret to becoming rich is not the fact that some freak incident driven by chance gives the person an opportunity, but instead is the ability of this person to take hard decisions. The reasoning behind this is fairly elementary in that a person cannot achieve what he wants to achieve if he is not willing to make sacrifices for it. Nothing in this world comes for free, which is why having a burning desire is very important for a person.

Owing to this burning desire, the person feels driven away from procrastination and towards strong decisions. In fact, if you go through history and try to analyze various interviews of all the successful people, one thing that you will find to be the same in all of them is a resolve to achieve what they want. This resolve is a direct result of the burning desire. Furthermore, this resolve drives the person towards making decisions that he may not be able to make without the focus or the determination.

Strong decision making skills are often also a sign of a person of a strong will, and a strong will can only be a result of determination. A prime example of this strong will and strong decision making skills would be Henry Ford, who was regarded by many as obstinate. However, it is his determination that resulted in the creation of the model T which is regarded as one of the most important steps for the automobile industry.

Effectively, if you are looking to become rich then you should set a certain amount in your sights, make an organized plan for achieving it and then leave no stone unturned or decision untaken to achieve it.